Coronavirus Talk #6 – On Mourning
Loss Leads to Rebirth On this special, unscripted Coronavirus talk, Jeb Blount addresses mourning what is lost and the sadness that comes with it.
Loss Leads to Rebirth On this special, unscripted Coronavirus talk, Jeb Blount addresses mourning what is lost and the sadness that comes with it.
How to Stay Positive During Tough Times In this crisis, it is ok to get down. That makes you human. It’s just not ok
It’s Good to Back to Basics In a crisis like this it is easy to move away from the basics that matter most in
Protecting Your Job In A Pandemic On this daily sales briefing, Jeb Blount discusses the four things you need to be doing right now
Worry Changes Nothing, Action Changes Everything On Coronavirus Talk #5, I’m not going to presume to tell you that the fear of losing your
Time Is Your Most Valuable Asset In this crisis, time is your greatest asset. Yet you cannot control time, you can only control YOU.
Pick Up The Phone & Make A Positive Impression It seems counter-intuitive that people are still picking up the phone during the coronavirus shutdown
Develop a Winning Sales Mindset On this episode of the Sales Gravy Podcast, Jeb Blount and Mark Hunter, Author of the new book A
Why Confusion is Dangerous On this special Coronavirus Talk, Jeb Blount takes on confusion and the state of confusion so many people seem to
Newfound Time— A Gift or A Curse? On this special unscripted podcast, Jeb Blount discusses time and the sudden gift of time that has
You landed the first appointment, conducted good discovery, developed relationships with stakeholders, and advanced your opportunity step by step through the pipeline and now it
To your customers, YOU are the company. Therefore, it is up to you to apologize for mistakes when things go wrong. It is in our
The number one reason for failure in sales is an empty pipeline. The number one reason for an empty pipeline is the failure to prospect
But wait Jeb! The experts suggest that getting people to call me is much easier than cold calling. That’s the hard way. It’s so old
In today’s world there are two types of salespeople. VEGETARIANS and HUNTERS Vegetarian salespeople are order takers who sit around waiting to get luck
Jeb Blount International is a globally recognized leader in sales performance improvement training serving many of the world's most respected brands. We are known for our complete system of sales training and ability to deliver improved sales performance, fast!
More than 360,000 sales pros build their skills with Jeb each week!
Jeb is an internationally renowned keynote speaker who helps companies improve their sales- fast. He trains tens of thousands through his global company Sales Gravy, and is the host of the #1 downloaded Sales podcast in the world.
Jeb is an internationally renowned keynote speaker who helps companies improve their sales- fast. He trains tens of thousands through his global company Sales Gravy, and is the host of the #1 downloaded Sales podcast in the world.
© 2025 Jeb Blount International Inc. All rights reserved.
1-844-447-3737 info@salesgravy.com | 115 E. Hall St. Thomson, GA 30824
© 2025 Jeb Blount International Inc. All rights reserved.
1-844-447-3737 | info@jebblount.com | 115 E. Hall St. Thomson, GA 30824